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  • Wed, July 31, 2019 10:56 AM | Julia Reuter (Administrator)

    A hot, humid day, but 123 racers completed the 1-mile and 5-miles courses.  Many thanks to sponsors, organizers, and volunteers. 
    Results are here.

  • Wed, May 08, 2019 2:54 PM | Julia Reuter (Administrator)

    Bethel, Maine --

    Bethel Outing Club President, Norman Greenberg, announced on May 8, 2019, "It's my pleasure to announce that Sarah Southam, one of the hardest working members of our club and of the Bethel community, has been appointed BOC Activities Coordinator for the following year.  She will plan and coordinate activities of many types throughout the year, as well as communicate with the Club and the community about these activities and activities led by other neighboring or regional groups.  Look for emails from her promoting these activities, and asking for help to run some of them. Please help me in congratulating Sarah on her new position.

    Thank you,


  • Tue, March 27, 2018 6:06 PM | Kirk Siegel

    Note: This piece is from Carlie Casey, Bethel Outing Club member and internationally recognized Technical Delegate in Cross-Country Skiing.

    Ski Friends (and a few Non-skier Friends),

    For decades I have had dreams of Winter Olympics:

    1. Step #1: US Ski Team Medals at the Winter Olympics
    2. Step #2: Get picture taken with our Winter Olympic heroes (actually, this second dream is only a week old)

    As most of you know, #1 happened last month at the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang when Kikkan Randall and Jessie Diggins won the Gold Medal in the Team Sprint event in Cross Country. Let the celebrations continue!

    When I realized I was slated to be one of the TD’s for the end of season championships—the only time our US Ski Team races on home snow most seasons—I was like a kid at Christmas, counting the days before arriving here and being able to hear some of the stories of their great season. (At this venue in rural northern Vermont, many of the athletes and officials are housed and have meals together.) I brought a couple of bottles of nice French Champagne to toast and thank them for the joy they bring us, their loyal fans.

    Bonus: As anyone who follows this sport knows, we have had an unusual amount of new snow arrive this month in New England, and the skiing is fantastic for the end of March!

    Pictured above is the podium for the last race of the season for the Women: 30 km Classical Mass Start (classical technique this year). Kikkan Randall on the right was 3rd. This is her last race as a US Ski Team member. Her parting shot with/to/at her teammates is a champagne shower. Far left (2nd today) is Sadie Bjornsen who ended the season as #6 in the World Cup Overall rankings. In the middle is Jessie Diggins, today’s winner by 0.4 seconds over Sadie, who ended the season as #2 in the World Cup Overall rankings. She came on so strong at the end of the year that if the season had had one more race, she might well have ended the season in #1 with the coveted Crystal Globe for Overall. (There are Crystal Globes for Sprints, Distance and Overall each season; and Kikkan won the Crystal Globe for Sprint 3 years in a row.)

    Above is me with “MY PEOPLE”—as I refer to this part of my life to my non-skier friends (I have one or two, really I do; I try to keep and open mind) and workmates. Sadie, Jessie and Kikkan are the biggest, most recognizable U.S. names in our sport right now—and they just happened to be today’s podium—but among many, many other athletes, coaches, wax technicians, officials and volunteers that comprise “MY PEOPLE” and make this sport so special for Nordic geeks like me. 

    Tomorrow, after the Men’s 50 km Classical, there will be a party with opportunities to toast these great athletes who have not only brought joy to countless Nordic skiers and fans in the USA; they are influencing so many other teams. The US Women’s Cross Country Ski Team has modeled for—and in ways have become the envy of—their other national team counterparts for what being a team (as opposed to a group of individual rivals) can contribute to individual success as they show that the success of any one is the success of all the team. [If you have not heard of it yet, get and read “World Class” by Peggy Shin—a great read about how this team came together and the synergy of team.]

    Thanks for indulging my ravings about “MY PEOPLE”.

    Happy Trails to all . . . .


    Carlie Casey

  • Wed, February 21, 2018 5:20 AM | Kirk Siegel

  • Sun, January 14, 2018 12:17 PM | Kirk Siegel

    Here are 26 of the 31 2nd and 3rd graders last week. Some of us got to see the first time trial at Bethel Village Trails.

  • Sun, December 31, 2017 1:30 PM | Kirk Siegel

    "ski shop" in the Telstar Ski Shed

    Ribbon cutting of the opening of the Telstar trail expansion completed by local community groups with financial support from the Bethel Rotary chapter.

    Professionally groomed trails at Telstar!

    Thanks for making this happen, Suzanne . . . glad you got to enjoy the tracks, too.

    Enjoying the fine trail and scenery at Telstar.

    Snow shoes, too!

  • Wed, December 27, 2017 9:16 AM | Kirk Siegel

    This winter the Bethel Outing Club is hosting Nordic Community Days on the trails at Telstar for people living in the Sad44 school district.  The hope is to get people who aren’t familiar with the trails at Telstar out skiing and snow shoeing .  We want to show off the old trails as well as the awesome new trails that were designed by Fred Bailey and built this Fall with funding from the Rotary Club.  We will be handing out free rentals for adults and children and providing beginner lessons given by BOC members or Telstar team members at 11:00 am.   The days are December 30, January 14 and February 19 from 10am – 3pm. 

    Here is where you come in.  I am first looking for help on December 30th in 5 different spots.  Most of the work will come in talking and showing people who are unfamiliar with Nordic skiing how accessible Nordic skiing can be.  Basically showing folks what everyone in the BOC already knows.

    Nordic Community Day Volunteers

    Saturday December 30th






    1 each timeslot



    Rental Assistant

    4 each timeslot



    Hot Chocolate Manager

    1 each timeslot



    Tour Guide

    3 each timeslot




    3 at 11am




    If you can help please contact me at or 207-890-3468.  Also, please tell all your friends who don’t Nordic ski to come and have some fun with their family.


    Suzanne Newsom Pierce

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The Bethel Outing Club is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. P.O. Box 637, Bethel, ME 04217    Email BOC

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